Breast Reduction in Long Island

Experience the Transformative Effects of Breast Reduction for Naturally Beautiful Results

Why Choose East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery for Breast Reduction Surgery?

At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, we're dedicated to offering outstanding Breast Reduction procedures tailored to your individual needs. Our experienced surgeons understand the importance of achieving your desired breast size and alleviating any discomfort or physical limitations you may be experiencing. With our patient-centered approach, we take the time to comprehend your goals and create a personalized Breast Reduction plan that ensures remarkable results, safety, and your utmost satisfaction. Rely on us to guide you through a transformative journey that empowers you to regain comfort and confidence in your body.

Reshape and Renew Your Silhouette: Embrace Natural Beauty with Breast Reduction

As time passes, changes in your body can impact your desired silhouette. Our Breast Reduction procedure offers an artistic approach to reshaping and rejuvenating your contours, enabling you to embrace your natural beauty with renewed confidence in your appearance.

A Team You Can Trust

At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, we recognize that deciding to undergo a Breast Reduction procedure is a personal choice that holds significant importance. Our dedication to establishing genuine connections with each patient emphasizes our commitment to thoroughly understanding your goals. This trust forms the basis for meticulously customized Breast Reduction treatments that align precisely with your desired outcomes. With the expertise of our surgical team, you can embark on your breast reduction journey with confidence, assured of our focus on your comfort, safety, and overall satisfaction.

Mastering the Aesthetic of Breast Reduction: Elevating Comfort and Confidence through Precision and Reshaping

Mastering the Craft of Breast Reduction: Sculpting Comfort and Confidence with Precision and Expertise

Breast reduction is a skillful procedure aimed at enhancing comfort, restoring proportion, and boosting self-confidence. At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, our experienced surgeons understand that every individual has unique needs and desires when it comes to breast reduction.

During this procedure, we utilize advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results that harmonize with your body's proportions and your aesthetic goals. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, improved symmetry, or a more balanced silhouette, our team is dedicated to crafting a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your aspirations.

Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation, during which we discuss your expectations, review your medical history, and assess your current breast condition. This thorough understanding allows us to recommend the appropriate technique, incision pattern, and tissue removal that will achieve the most pleasing and harmonious outcome for you.

The actual procedure involves making carefully placed incisions to remove excess breast tissue and reshape the breasts. Our surgeons prioritize precision and attention to detail to ensure optimal results and minimal scarring. After the procedure, our team provides post-operative care instructions to facilitate your recovery and healing process.

Breast reduction can be a transformative experience, enhancing your physical comfort and allowing you to embrace your body with renewed confidence. Our commitment to skill, safety, and patient satisfaction ensures that you'll receive exceptional care throughout your journey, from consultation to recovery and beyond.

Elevating Confidence and Silhouette: How Breast Reduction Can Transform Your Comfort and Self-Image

At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, our breast reduction procedure offers a transformative opportunity to enhance your physical comfort and boost your self-esteem. Through advanced surgical techniques and customized approaches, our skilled surgeons can sculpt and reshape your breasts to achieve the desired balance.

Whether you're seeking relief from discomfort, improved symmetry, or a more proportionate appearance, our personalized approach to breast reduction is tailored to your individual goals. With carefully placed incisions, we artfully remove excess tissue to create a harmonious and proportionate result that complements your body.

Our breast reduction procedure not only enhances your physical comfort but also has the power to elevate your self-confidence and body image. By collaborating closely with you to understand your vision and desired outcome, we can create a treatment plan that fulfills your aesthetic aspirations and provides you with renewed confidence in your appearance.

Is Breast Lift Right for You?

Breast reduction has become a sought-after procedure for individuals seeking relief from physical discomfort and achieving a more proportional breast size. While breast reduction offers a versatile solution, it's essential to undergo a comprehensive consultation with our experienced surgeons to determine if it's the right choice for you. Through this personalized consultation, we will evaluate your medical history, body proportions, and aesthetic goals to develop a tailored plan that meets your needs.

Beyond its reputation for alleviating discomfort and improving breast proportions, breast reduction can also be considered by individuals as a means to enhance their overall quality of life. By employing advanced techniques and customized approaches, our procedure provides a natural and lasting solution to achieve your desired breast appearance.

It's worth noting that the popularity of breast reduction extends beyond gender boundaries. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of individuals of various genders seeking this transformative procedure. At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, we prioritize your individual goals and preferences, ensuring that our breast reduction approach aligns seamlessly with your vision for enhanced comfort, confidence, and a balanced silhouette.

Treatable Conditions

  • Breast reduction is particularly effective in reducing the size of overly large breasts, alleviating physical discomfort, back and neck pain, and improving overall posture and body balance.

  • Women with large breasts often experience chronic pain, discomfort, and chafing due to the weight of their breasts. Breast reduction can relieve these symptoms, enhancing daily comfort and mobility.

  • Excessively large breasts can lead to skin irritation, rashes, and fungal infections beneath the breasts. Breast reduction helps minimize skin-to-skin contact, reducing the risk of such issues and promoting skin health.

  • Breast reduction can help correct breast asymmetry, ensuring that both breasts are more evenly sized and positioned, enhancing both aesthetic balance and self-confidence.

Treatment Details

Treatment Duration:

2 to 4 hours

  • Women with large breasts often experience limitations in physical activities and exercises. Breast reduction can enable greater freedom of movement and participation in various activities, promoting a more active lifestyle.

  • Large breasts can cause deep grooves and discomfort from tight bra straps digging into the shoulders. Breast reduction can alleviate this strain, reducing pressure on the shoulders and enhancing comfort.

  • Women with disproportionately large breasts may attract unwanted attention and experience self-esteem issues. Breast reduction can help improve body image, self-confidence, and overall emotional well-being.

  • Finding well-fitting clothing can be challenging for individuals with large breasts. Breast reduction can lead to a more balanced chest size, making it easier to find clothes that fit comfortably and enhance overall appearance.


1 to 2 weeks - no lifting 4 to 6 weeks

Duration of Results:

Varies - several years

Why Choose East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery for Your Breast Reduction?

Selecting the right practice for your breast reduction journey is crucial, and at East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional care and outstanding outcomes. Our team of experienced surgeons and devoted professionals understands the significance of your breast reduction goals and is here to support you through every stage of your journey.

We acknowledge that your individual needs and aspirations are unique, and our personalized approach ensures that your breast reduction experience is tailored precisely to your specific requirements. With a strong emphasis on open communication and comprehensive consultations, we take the time to understand your desires and address any concerns you may have. Our proficiency in breast reduction procedures enables us to create a plan that beautifully harmonizes your breast proportions and fulfills your aesthetic vision.

By choosing East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, you'll gain access to our state-of-the-art facility and advanced techniques. Our commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensures that your breast reduction procedure is safe, effective, and delivers results that align perfectly with your expectations. We take pride in our ability to achieve beautiful, natural-looking outcomes that enhance your comfort, confidence, and overall well-being.

Embark on your breast reduction journey with East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery and experience the transformative effects that our dedicated team can accomplish. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward achieving the breast contours and relief you've always desired.

Embark on Your Breast Reduction Journey at East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery

At East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, we're thrilled to accompany you on your breast reduction journey, providing exceptional care and transformative results. Here's what you can anticipate when you choose us for your breast reduction procedure:

  1. Thorough Consultation: Your journey commences with a thorough consultation, during which we take the time to comprehend your goals, assess your unique body characteristics, and develop a tailored plan that aligns with your desires.

  2. Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced surgeons and professionals will expertly guide you through the entire process. We offer informed advice, address your queries, and ensure you're well-prepared and confident about the procedure.

  3. Procedural Excellence: During your breast reduction, our skilled surgeons utilize advanced techniques to achieve your desired breast size and shape. Your safety and comfort are our utmost priorities throughout the process.

  4. Supportive Recovery: We provide comprehensive post-procedure instructions to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery. Our team is available to address any concerns or questions you may have during this phase.

  5. Follow-Up Care: Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the procedure. We schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, ensure your satisfaction, and address any additional needs.

  6. Stunning Results: With our dedication to precision and artistry, your breast reduction results will be both transformative and aesthetically pleasing. Your contours will be enhanced, and your confidence will soar.

Your breast reduction journey with East Bay Dermatology & Plastic Surgery is a collaborative partnership, and we're committed to ensuring it's a positive and empowering experience. From your initial consultation to your final results, rest assured in our personalized care, expert guidance, and the enhancement of your natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and volume of overly large breasts to improve comfort, alleviate physical discomfort, and enhance the overall appearance.

  • If you experience physical discomfort, pain, or have limitations due to the size of your breasts, you may be a candidate for breast reduction. An evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon can help determine your candidacy.

  • During the surgery, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to achieve a more proportional size. The remaining breast tissue is reshaped and lifted to create a natural and youthful contour.

  • Scarring is an inherent aspect of surgery, but skilled surgeons aim to minimize scarring. Incisions are typically placed around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease, and sometimes horizontally within the crease, resulting in scars that fade over time.

  • After breast reduction, there is an initial recovery period of 1 to 2 weeks during which you'll experience swelling and bruising. You should plan for reduced physical activity during this time, gradually increasing over several weeks.

  • Temporary changes in nipple sensation are common after breast reduction, but sensation often returns within a few months. Permanent loss of sensation is rare.

  • Yes, breast reduction can significantly alleviate back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by the weight and strain of large breasts. Many patients experience relief from these discomforts after the procedure.

  • The results of breast reduction are generally long-lasting. However, factors like weight fluctuations and natural aging can influence breast appearance over time. Maintaining a stable weight and leading a healthy lifestyle can help preserve your results.

Still have questions? Contact us for a consultation to learn more about Breast Augmentation and how it can enhance your natural beauty.